Health and Disease

Non-communicable diseases

An introduction to Malnutrition

Alcohol and your body

What is cardio vascular disease? 

Click here or on the icon below to watch an excellent video on heart disease.


Treatments for heart disease. 

Click here for how coronary heart disease can be treated.

Click here to find out what lifestyle changes need to be made in order to treat your heart disease.

Here is a video describing what happens when a stent is inserted.

And a triple bypass (WARNING operating scenes in this video)

Communicable disease

How a few scientists changed the way we think about disease.

What are pathogens?

And how do they spread?

How does our body prevent pathogens from getting in? We have physical and chemical barriers. 

For a basic introduction to the roles of antibodies in the immune system, click below to play a game.

Introduction to the immune system

How were vaccines discovered?

How do Vaccines work?


Life cycle of viruses

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